Biografija / Biography
Elvis Berton rođen je 1970. u Pazinu. Izlaže od 2000. godine na 37 samostalnih i više od 90 skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu: Beč, Halbenrain, Schärding, St. Kanzian (Austrija), New York (SAD), London (Velika Britanija), Czestochowa (Poljska), Doetinchem, Ulft (Nizozemska), Tourves, Six Fours les Plages, Paris (Francuska), Dunajska Streda (Slovačka) Koper, Piran, Dvor pri Žužemberku (Slovenija), Venecija, Palermo, Trst, Treviso (Italija), Sarajevo (BiH), Jagodina (Srbija). Dobitnik je više nagrada i priznanja. Njegov rad Ni gušter, ni bik, ni mačka (iz ciklusa Beštije) ušao je u Zbirku marginalne umjetnosti Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Od 2008. godine član je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika, a od 2014. i Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika. Živi i stvara u okolici Pazina.
Elvis Berton was born in 1970 in Pazin where he still lives and works. He embarked on his arts journey in 1996, and four years later he started exhibiting his work on a large scale. Berton’s art has been shown at 37 solo and more than ninety group exhibitions at home and abroad (Austria, USA, UK, Poland, Netherlands, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, BiH). He has won multiple awards and recognitions. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Croatian Association of Artists, and in 2014 he became a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists Association. His work Not a Lizard, Nor a Bull, Nor a Cat (from the Beasts series) has been included in the Outsider Art Collection of the Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art.
Umag, Galerija Marin / Marin Gallery
Palmižana, Posjed Meneghello / Meneghello Place